Scientific and Clinical Calculators
GFRx Calculator for Iohexol Plasma Clearance
Use this calculator to determine the measured GFR via Iohexol-Plasma clearance. The calculator requires one to five serum iohexol measurements taken after Iohexol IV injection.
Mehran 2 Score Calculator
Models the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The risk score can be calculated based on pre-procedural parameters alone or in combination with procedural parameters.
AKI Risk factor Calculator
Returns a hazard ratio (HR) for AKI, showing how much more likely people in that group are to develop AKI compared to the reference group (those without CKD).
Patient selection algorithm for GFR Measurement (mGFR)
Please answer the following questions to determine how GFR should be evaluated. Based on your input the algorithm will recommend GFR measurement (e.g. using Nephrolyx IVDx) or GFR estimation (e.g. using Serum Creatinine and/or Cystatin C). The recommendations are based on the KDIGO CKD 2024 Guidelines.