Nephrolyx Mehran 2 Score Calculator

The Mehran 2 score models the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). The risk score can be calculated based on pre-procedural parameters alone or in combination with procedural parameters.

Source: Mehran R, Aymong ED, Nikolsky E, Lasic Z, Iakovou I, Fahy M, Mintz GS, Lansky AJ, Moses JW, Stone GW, Leon MB, Dangas G. A simple risk score for prediction of contrast-induced nephropathy after percutaneous coronary intervention: development and initial validation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004 Oct 6;44(7):1393-9.

This calculator is for scientific purposes only. It is not intended to be used for clinical decision making.

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Pre-procedural variables

These variables are assessed before the PCI procedure and include patient characteristics and clinical factors that can influence the risk of developing contrast-associated acute kidney injury (AKI).

Procedural variables

These variables are related to the PCI procedure itself and are assessed during or immediately after the procedure.